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AAC Resources from Forbes AAC

Pediatric Resources

Take a look at these resources created for pediatric AAC users and those who support these individuals! 
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Modeling for AAC, or aided language stimulation, is an intervention strategy that has shown to benefit AAC users of many different ages, disabilities, and language skills (O’Neill et al., 2018). This resource can help you get started using this strategy!
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Considerations for Adding Vocab_snip image.PNG
Robust language systems are preprogrammed with core and fringe vocabulary, but adding vocabulary to an individual's language system is crucial to its customization and personalization. Addition of preprogrammed vocabulary to an AAC device requires thoughtful consideration. This resource contains considerations for adding preprogrammed to an AAC device and strategies to support an individual's strategic competence.
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Brown’s Stages represent a framework of language development documented by speech-language theorist Roger Brown. The CoreWord™ system supports each essential language development milestone, providing progressively more advanced content from one level to the next.
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Use these practice sentences for each CoreWord™ level to jumpstart intervention!
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Want to jumpstart ideas on how to incorporate AAC at home, in therapy, or in the classroom? These resources can help! 
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Implementation Keyrings
These four printable implementation keyrings are a great AAC resource! These were designed to help guide clinicians and family members in AAC implementation. 
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Clinical Protocols
With play-based learning in mind, Forbes AAC created the Language Development Kits (LDK) as a companion accessory to an AAC user's speech generating device.

Using play-based motivators and professionally developed Clinical Protocols, the development kits create a systematic pathway to language acquisition. 

Check out this link to learn more Forbes AAC Language Development Kit and download the LDK page sets above!
Clinical Protocols Preview
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