Professional Support for Everyone
Speech-Language Pathologist Support
Eval Support As a speech-language pathologist, you have unlimited access to onsite evaluation support from our Assistive Technology Specialists. We can help modify our devices to meet the unique needs of the student or patient you are working with, and we can also help answer questions about funding options, ordering processes or pricing to ensure that you have the greatest success possible.
In Eval Remote Support You can schedule to have Remote Support on standby during your evaluations. This will give you immediate answers to any questions you may have.
On-site Training It is our goal that you feel absolutely comfortable with the recommended equipment, so you will have access to on-site training with our Assistive Technology Specialists. You may invite anyone to attend this training with you, including the family or supporting staff. You may also designate the location of the training as the facility or the patient's home. On-site training is available to anyone with an Forbes AAC product and must be scheduled by appointment.
Family Support
Remote Support When you receive your device, our remote support team is standing by to help you learn how to operate your device and how to modify the content of your pages.
Remote Device Take-Over Devices equipped with Forbes AAC Remote Help Desk allow our remote support team to log into your device when it is connected to the Internet. We can then see exactly what you are seeing to answer any questions, and we can interact with the mouse, make modifications and show solutions in real time.
Home Visits If a device is being mounted to a wheelchair, a one time home visit is free and includes the mounting of the device and any other accessories such as switches and environmental controls. Additional visits may be subject to a fee.