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The NEW WinSlate is here!

New from Forbes AAC, XTNDR Auxiliary Battery Pack!

Users can go sixteen plus hours of normal run time!

The XNTDR™ wheelchair mount battery pack provides WinSlate users with incredible continuous run times without adding any bulk or weight to the sleek device.

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Augmentative Communication Devices

Access the power of voice.


Communication is a fundamental link to your loved ones and your community. At Forbes AAC, we provide specialized augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices to express your unique personality.


We are a collaborative team of engineers, speech-language pathologists, assistive technology specialists and funding experts who use our experience to serve your needs.


We provide the most technologically advanced communication devices and accessories available, and we will be there with you every step of the way.

ProSlate™ Series

Meet the world's first Apple-based dedicated speech generating device. The ProSlate Series offers a wide variety of language systems, superior hardware and the industry's best warranty.

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ProSlate 10

WinSlate™ Series

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The WinSlate Series is a Windows based AAC device that supports a wide variety of access methods, including the Enable Eyes® eye tracking module.

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