Symbol Links
Symbol support for all

Support for users who benefit from the use of picture symbols on their communication pages.
Our grid sets support all levels of communication, and options include, Symbol Links 4/8/12/20/30, See full descriptions below.
Benefits of Picture Symbols
Provide essential support for those without advanced literacy skills
Enable users to find their words quickly and easily
Make communication grids more concrete and understandable

Symbol Links 4
Symbol Links 4 features four cells per page, providing rapid message selection for basic communication needs like people’s names, personal information, quick phrases and requests for help. This is a great starter grid set for users who are new to AAC.

Symbol Links 8
This pageset features eight cells per page and supports language functions including making requests, providing personal information, greeting others, and asking questions. The organization of Symbol Links 8 allows for easy customization and addition of personalized vocabulary.

Symbol Links 12
Symbol Links 12 builds upon previous levels of the Symbol Links series, incorporating an even wider variety of vocabulary categories and context-specific messages. These include phrases and sentences related to community outings, work and school routines, with a keyboard for literacy support.

Symbol Links 20
This twenty cell layout provides continued support for those wishing to use a combination of context-specific phrases and categorically organized vocabulary. This level also incorporates essential quick-fire phrases on the main page ("yes”, “no”, “I need help”), and includes a keyboard for spelling and literacy support. Symbol Links 20 enables user to quickly communicate in many environments about a wide variety of topics

Symbol Links 30
Symbol Links 30 is the most comprehensive grid set in the Symbol Links series. Topics include community outings, hobbies, work and school. Categorically organized vocabulary (feelings, body parts, descriptive concepts) supports expression of wants and needs in a wide variety of environments. This pageset’s main page includes several essential quick-fire phrases to maximize the speed of communication.