Streamlined. Lightweight. And ready to rock.
Meet the NEW WinSlate 12 with the Adapta multifunctional hub! With its tough, rugged case and Corning® Gorilla® Glass,FlexABLE® it is ready for any real world use. Computing power is from the Microsoft Surface®, with the PixelSense display, so it's easy to stay current with updates and the latest features. The modular, sleek design allows users to remove and change auxiliary methods and keep the contemporary appearance.
We listened very closely to SLPs and clinicians and established a strict design goal; prevent snags, 'hangups', breakage and to protect the device and users. Using the Adapta multifunctional hub attached to the back, we kept the minimal footprint and provided channel ways to conceal and secure cables and create better ways to utilize multiple USB ports. It also comes complete with an integrated IR control!

The NEW WinSlate 12 with the Adapta multifunctional hub, comes with the all the innovative things you have come to expect from Forbes AAC. Each WinSlate arrives with the patented FlexABLE® Handle and Stand, that requires no fine motor skills to position, and, on the back, a powerful SoundPOD™ wearable speaker that can be worn by the user thanks to a lanyard or even placed in another room next to and spouse, caregiver or parent. It can come with the optional, newly reengineered TRU-Hold™ Keyguard, custom manufactured to any AAC application. It's just three pounds, or 3.4 with optional Enable Eyes eye tracking module. The new WinSlate is ready to use on the table or desk to or an be easily attached to a mount system. Users can utilize alternative access method options like direct access with or without custom keyguards, optical or gyroscopic headmouse, and switch scanning.
We also include, the always updated WinSlate Dashboard™ and CoreWord™ language systems for all levels - from expression of basic wants and needs to the use of powerful text-to-speech engines. Another specific 'want' from the field was "run time". With that suggestion in mind, our engineering department has developed a mounted or portable battery system that can help users communicate and manage their environments for up to sixteen plus hours with the XTNDR™ Battery pack. It can be placed in a back pack or mounted securely to a vertical or horizontal wheel chair mount tube.
Adapta is a multifunction hub that supercharges the WinSlate into a more powerful, versatile, and streamlined, ultracontemporary AAC device. It is made up of several components: 1. Integrated USB Port Protector - avoiding snags is easy with the integrated USB port Protector that fights against breakage and abuse and protects the motherboard, 2. Recessed USB ports will keep large USB options for auxiliary access methods safe and protected, 3. Concealed Eye tracker port is a hinged port access that is dedicated to the eye tracker. It safeguards the connection and maintains the modular aspect making for a reliable integrated system. And at the top of the Adapta module, built into each unit, is a powerful infraRed or IR controller!

Port relocator – for big deal USB devices.
.Adapta features a port relocator option for use with those large USB devices often found with switch scanning and headmousing. The Port Relocator attaches to the Adapta hub and relocates the USB port to accommodate large USB devices
With the Port Relocator in use, the USB devices are protected by the WinSlate and lay flat against the device.
The Port Relocator utilizes a break-away male to female extension cable to protect the USB ports.

InfraRed for all.
.Built into each and every WinSlate is a powerful infraRed controller. The IR controller can send signals to control virtually any IR device used for work or play.
Language development kits
WinSlate comes complete with prebuilt grid sets ready-to-control a variety of infraRed accessories great for pediatric therapy. Visit for more details..
Smart TV control
WinSlate users can take full control of their IR Smart TV using the WinSlate’s built in transmitter and gridsets. Control power, volume and navigate menus using any access method.

New WinSlate keyguards.
The Forbes AAC WinSlate is available with a wide variety of keyguards aimed at helping users make only the selections they want. Keyguards overlay the face of the device and lock onto its corners. Using cut-outs that correspond with onscreen buttons, users can rest their palm on they keyguard without making an unwanted selection. They are available in clear or black and with both round or rectangular holes.
Eye tracking as needed.
Eye tracking WinSlate users can quickly add or remove the Enable Eyes tracking module. When the accessory is attached, all cabling is concealed, and ports are protected. Don’t need eye tracking just yet? No problem, add it later.
The new WinSlate features high or low mounting options. Whether clients would like the WinSlate to be the center of attention orthey would like to see over top of it – WinSlate can be mounted where they want it.
Desk top eye tracking – with the extra long FlexABLE® stand, perform eye tracking right from a desk top. No need to drag out cumbersome mounts just to do an assessment.

Master keyguards are available.
We manufacture keyguards to fit virtually any AAC app, Contact us for a Master Keyguard to help find the right fit for you clients.

FlexABLE® Handle and Stand – gross is good.
Gross motor movements are all a user needs to carry, handle and position the WinSlate.
The patented, simplistic design allows users to simply push on the face of the device to adjust the tilt angle. A hidden benefit; the WinSlate with FlexABLE can easily absorb the shock related to spastic hand movements. This protects the user’s hands by creating a soft user target.
Get a grip. Mobile device users don’t need a strong grip to carry the WinSlate. With the patented FlexABLE Handle and Stand, users can wrap the flexible wire around their arm and virtually mount the device to their hands. This carry strategy makes the device easy to handle and almost impossible to drop.

Many users who are in other rooms or bed bound have their care giver or spouse carry their SoundPOD with them. This allows the user to communicate with them even if they are several rooms away in their homes.

SoundPOD® – communicate naturally.
For many users, a reason to choose a Forbes AAC device hinges on the wearable SoundPOD speaker. The SoundPOD can be worn on a neck lanyard which allows the user’s voice to come directly from their person rather than the device.
Experience the benefits of natural communication
A major point of frustration with AAC users is; ‘Look at me and don’t finish my thoughts’. Even worse, the listening partner reading or trying to finish what’s in the message window ahead the user. With the wearable SoundPOD, partners tend to look at where the sound is originating from – which is the person, not the device!
Stay within reach.
With the SoundPOD’s long range Bluetooth technology, the user can stay connected with their care.

XTNDR™ All of the power - none of the weight.
The XNDR™ wheelchair mount battery pack provides WinSlate and ProSlate users with incredible continuous runtimes without adding any bulk or weight to the sleek device. Users can experience more than sixteen hours the normal run time using XTNDR!
XTNDR is an industry first design concept that allows an external battery pack to be mounted directly to wheelchair mounting tube. Mount it to the horizontal crossbar behind the device or
mount it to the vertical tube affixed to the chair.
XTNDR charges the WinSlate using a magnetic break-away charge cable and the ProSlate with its provided cable. The battery pack features cord management retainers to take up any slack and prevent annoying snags.

Play, learn, repeat.
The WinSlate for Kids™ uses visually captivating cause-and-effect activities to create a fun filled interactive learning experience! The natural approach to learning is intrinsically motivating and, the nicest part, it doesn’t feel like work. Users learn to track targets and make selections through interaction with the activities. Best of all, with Forbes AAC’s exclusive CoreWord™ language system, novice eye trackers become expert communicators on a development pathway that is loaded with fun.
Interactive Learning
• Cause and effect
• Choices
• Challenges
• Interactive visual scenes

Eye Tracking Training
• Sensory - cause and effect
• Explore - promotes engagement
• Target - improves accuracy
• Choose - teaches choice skills
• Control - fine-tunes access
Access your digital world
• Facebook, Twitter and YouTube*
• Browse the web*
• Capture and share photos*
• Play music and videos*
• Send emails and text messages
*Requires purchase of Feature Unlock Key
• Symbol based grids
• Text based grids
• CoreWord™ grids
• Topic based grid sets
Interactive Language Development Kits.
We’ve worked closely with our clinicians to develop fun, sensory filled activities to support language development and access proficiency.
Each kit includes:
• InfraRed (IR) controlled multi-sensory toy
• Prebuilt Gridset with IR controls and language vocabulary
• Lesson Plan to guide the implementation of the activity
• Goal Bank to specify attainable therapy objectives
• Data Tracking Sheet for documenting measured performance

and demo videos

Control the world around you.
The WinSlate is second to none when it comes to controlling smart home devices. With its built in IR transmitter and optional Z-Wave plug-in, WinSlate users experience levels of independence like never before. Whether it’s touch access or using the Forbes AAC integrated eye tracking input, they can control:
Lights in your home
Power door openers
Cell phone calls and texts
Bed controllers
Video monitors
Alexa integrations
Land line phones
Smart TVs and more!
Download the promotional booklet the new WinSlate!
Available as a Dedicated Speech Generating Device (SGD) meeting the requirements of
HCPCS code E2510.