This segment of the WinSlate Dashboard™ contains several keyboard options, which can be used for assessment purposes or imported into any grid set.
Keyboard styles include traditional QWERTY options, alphabetical organization, and keyboards with additional supports such as picture symbols and auditory cues.
Communication at your fingertips

ABC Keyboard
Alphabetical layout with seven word prediction cells to increase efficiency.

Large ABC Keyboard
Alphabetical layout with enlarged (66 point) font to accommodate visual needs. Word prediction cells and pre-stored word endings increase efficiency and grammar usage.

QWERTY Keyboard
Grid-style QWERTY layout with high-contrast styling and four word prediction cells to increase efficiency.

QWERTY Keyboard with Chat History
Standard QWERTY layout with both word prediction and Chat History features to maximize communication speed. The Chat History feature remembers what you say, so you can say it again in an instant. These messages are presented based on both frequency of use and location.

QWERTY Keyboard 2
Standard QWERTY layout with high-contrast styling and four word prediction cells to increase efficiency.

QWERTY Picture Keyboard
Standard QWERTY layout with picture symbols for visual cueing (apple on “A” key; rabbit on “R” key). Contains both word prediction and Chat History features to maximize communication speed. The Chat History feature remembers what you say, so you can say it again in an instant. These messages are presented based on both frequency of use and location.

Letter Picker with Phonics
QWERTY layout with phonemic cues on each key, which allow the user to hear each letter’s corresponding sound upon selection (select “S” key to hear “ssss”). Perfect for beginning spellers and those continuing to build their literacy skills.

Vowel Keyboard
This typing grid has the letters of the alphabet arranged in rows, starting with each vowel. This arrangement makes it easy for users to locate letters on the keyboard. A great choice for those using auditory scanning as their access method.