Favorite Tools
Pause Eye Tracking This button will pause the mouse cursor from moving or making clicks. This is helpful for when you do not want the mouse cursor to move as you read, or for when you simply want to take a break from eye tracking. Eye tracking will remain paused until the user looks at the off-screen trigger indicated by the hot-spot while the toolbar is hidden.
Zoom Click The first click specifies the center of the zoom rectangle, while the second click performs the action in the zoom rectangle. Clicking outside either of the two rectangles on the grayed portion will cancel the click. To perform a combo action with the zoom click, first select the action to use in combination, such as a "Right Click", and then select the "Zoom Click".
Keyboard This will show the on-screen keyboard for typing in Windows applications.
Windows Start This will open the Windows Start screen. Pressing the start button allows the user to quickly jump between apps.